Monday, April 27, 2015

2 want to eat restos and Earth Japan Surplus

4/27/2015. We're heading to Antipolo to drop off Thirdy at his grandparents' place so he can stay for a week.

We first dropped by at Jollibee Eton to pick up a refund. There was a mix-up, and we were given the wrong receipt for the reservation that was for the party in the afternoon. I don't know the details, but we were over billed by 800 pesos.

Then this other group was asked to drop by and pay the 800 pesos they were credited for. Unfortunately, that group didn't bother replying and wouldn't show up. Our host, who was also the one who got the receipts mixed up, ended up getting deducted the 800 pesos from his salary.

We felt bad for him, but didn't want the other group to get off and get a freebie on our expense.

After that, we went to the columbarium to visit my brother. We then looked for a place to have lunch. It was already around 1:45pm.

We went towards Limbaga 77 at Scout Limbaga and saw that some patrons were already leaving. So we decided to have lunch there. I'll write about it on another entry.

After that, we proceeded directly to Maia Alta in Antipolo and dropped Thirdy off. We then left around 4pm and headed to Marikina. Chea wanted to drop by Aling Remy's Puto at Kutsinta store in Marikina, as a co-worked asked her to buy some fish crackers.

The outdoor view

While there, I saw a surplus store for Japanese items so I decided to take a look while Chea went to buy at Aling Remy's.

So many tables and dinner ware

I've been planning to get a big cabinet that I could place outdoors and put in all my tools. Currently, they're all over the place and I want to place them in once place.

Some pretty decent looking drawers and cabinets

More drawers

The store is called Earth Japan Surplus. They have a lot of Japanese items especially japanese dolls, display cases and other unique Japanese furnitures.

Some stuff toys too
A lot of people were actually buying bikes
Most of the bikes were on display outside

I went to the far end of the place (it's fairly big) and looked at the cabinets. Most of the cabinets were sold from as low as 4,000 pesos to as much as 28,000 pesos. Some were laminated wood, while some were real wood. All of them were already used.

More dinner ware

I felt that they were a bit expensive for my needs since most of the tall cabinets were in the 8,000 - 12,000 range. And since I plan on placing it outside, I can't rely on a laminated cabinet as the rain would ruin it over time.

A kendo bogu armor!

Later, Chea arrived and looked around as well. I told her my idea about replacing our mismatched drawers in our bedroom with a long wooden chest drawer. It would make our room look nicer and a bit cleaner.

This is a very big warehouse

We only saw this one wooden drawer that looked nice, with a vanity mirror.It's priced at around 8,000 pesos. We haggled a bit and managed to get the price down. Unfortunately, it's the only piece they had. We thought that two pieces of it end to end, would be the exact length that we need and with all the space, we could actually want for all our clothes and other stuff.

Doll displays
Japanese dolls!
I think this is called a Butsudan. I googled it.

Another awesome doll.

We got their number and left, thinking of looking at other drawers in a mall sometime.

On our way home, it got a bit late. It was already 6pm and we stopped one time to buy a sack of rice. Along the way, I was thinking of ordering takeout from Gudo. But chea thought of just eating outside so we don't have to worry about washing dishes.

Then I thought of trying out Marcus along Congressional Avenue. The burger in their sign has tempted me for a while, unfortunately, it's almost always full since they only have a 2 x 2 parking area out front. As far as I know, Yeng Constantino also owns it, so I guess it always draws a crowd.

But since we're driving past by it on our way, we took our chance. When we got there, there were only 2 cars out front, a few people eating on the tables outside, while the tables inside were empty.

Chea and I stopped by and had our dinner. I'll blog about it another time.

So It's a pretty fun day as we got to try out 2 restaurants that we've been planning to eat at for a while and both were positive experiences to boot.

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