Thursday, July 2, 2015

Calderon at Kapitolyo

June 6, 2015. So after a tiring day going around Yexel's Toy Musem in Ocean Park and the first certified Lego Store in BGC, Chea and I, along with a sleeping Thirdy, headed off to have an early dinner at Calderon in Kapitolyo, Pasig.

Chea knows the owner and has been planning to try out the place, but only had the time now since we will be passing by the area.

looks nice.

When we arrived, there was a car parked out front. The parking slot was for two cars, but there was a scooter near the other slot, which will be blocked if we parked there. So Chea went inside the resto and asked how we could go about parking. We were told to park along the street in front of the other car. Oh well.

the menu
not a fan of the plates, but it's big though

When we went inside, there were just a couple sitting and chatting at a table. Thirdy was asleep so we went with the table with the bench.

thirdy was asleep the entire time. poor kiddo

window view

The outside is quite rustic, which extended to the interiors. Lots of iron and wood. It's a little small as well, although there's a second floor, which I didn't get to explore. I'm timid that way.

those are pretty expensive

We looked at the menu and they're a bit expensive. They're famous for paella, but there's just the two of us so we couldn't eat all of that. Most of the paellas were upwards of 800 pesos and got pricier as the servings got bigger.

shot of the inside. 

They were also known for their chicken dish, Pollo Iberico that cost 1,000 pesos, but you had to order that a day ahead.

The other dishes were upwards of 300 pesos.

We ended up ordering the Salpicao (450 pesos), which was good enough for two people, or one very hungry person.

It doesn't come with rice, so Chea ordered her plain, while I ordered the garlic variant (both 50 pesos each). I also ordered a bottomless iced tea (80 pesos)

mi te helado

Thirdy was still asleep so Chea was having second thoughts of buying pasta for him to eat. I told her to just order one, and have it to go if he doesn't wake up before we finish eating. So Chea ordered the Pasta de Chorizo (320 pesos).

We got the iced tea first, which tasted like plain iced tea. It wasn't too strong, so that's a plus.

beef salpicao. very tasty
nice rice

The salpicao arrived first. We were hungry so we got into it immediately.

so good, you need another shot

It smelled really good. But it tasted even better. The beef was so soft, and the cooked garlic made it taste really good. It came with a lot of olive oil, so it wasn't dry.

The garlic rice was great too. It wasn't too oily. It made me comment to Chea that this is how garlic rice should be done by Krazy Garlik. lol.

Chea and I liked the Salpicao so much, we even ended up eating the few bits of garlic left on the clay pot.

first time i saw an egg on top of a serving of pasta

A bit later, the pasta arrived. It had red sauce with ground meat, some thin slivers of cheese, and a sunny side up fried egg, which I thought was kinda weird.

pretty good. pasta's one reason to go back to this place

But weird or not, this dish is superb. Whenever I hear the word chorizo, I kinda cringe a bit, because those things are too salty even for me.

I thought hotdogs in spaghettis were a weird combination even when I was growing up, but chorizos?

But this dish by Calderon convinced me it could be done. There were chunks of chorizos and they were still salty, but they weren't enough to offend. Even the sauce hinted of chorizo but it was just that, a hint.

Our only complaint was that it did not come with bread. We'd probably choose the bread over the egg. This would be perfect with focaccia.

Chea couldn't help herself so she practically ate half of the dish (with my help), but that's ok since Thirdy wouldn't be able to finish the entire thing on his own.

We ended up paying about 1,100 pesos with VAT and all.

The food is really good, although the parking is severely limited. I can't imagine how parking would be on a busy night.

We'll probably drop by another day and try out their paella.

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