Monday, October 5, 2015

Tara na sa Tagaytay (Taal Vista and Tagaytay Highlands)!

August 28, 2015. It's a long weekend since it's a holiday the coming Monday. Chea needed to go to an even in Tagaytay today, but she didn't want to go alone, so Thirdy and I had to tag along.

We left the house around 7am, and dropped by Chea's office first at Makati. After that, it's a straight beeline to Tagaytay via SLEX.

View from behind the Taal Vista main building on the way to their restaurant

We're heading to Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay for an overnight stay. Chea and I've stayed there already, I think before we got married, so that's years ago. We arrived in Tagaytay just a little after 10am.

We first dropped by a 7-11 so I could buy some snacks and drinks we could eat the entire time we're in our room. I bought Thirdy some donuts at a nearby Dunkin Donut.

Chea commented that we should have just ordered from McDonald's as it's cheaper and tastier. Lol.

We then looked for a place to buy our lunch since our stay in the Hotel only covered the breakfast. We're just ordering them to go, and eat in our room. We bought Beef Tapa and Papalicious Chicken at Papa Prito.

Thirdy stretching in front of the main building entrance

Checking in

Some poster/announcements

View of the lobby and the lounge (at the far end) from the entrance
Area in front of the function rooms

After that, we headed to Taal Vista Hotel and parked. Chea inquired for a while, and our room wasn't ready yet, so we headed to the area by the View Deck where they had a small area that housed a gym, a billiards table, and a small playroom for kids. These weren't here when we stayed a few years back, and it's a good addition, especially if you have kids.

On the way out of the main building towards the activity building
View of the old wing on our way to the view deck
The pathway to the old wing and to the activity building. I remember our old room is somewhere in this wing.
It's actually a short walk from the main entrance to this part. Im just taking too much pictures. lol.
Restaurant to the left, view deck right ahead
Quick picture of the restaurant
The view deck from one end, with the ferris wheel of SkyRanch just beyond the horizon
View of the main building
Another shot of Taza restaurant
Here we are, finally!

When we got to the playroom, there was a couple inside with their little girl. She was alternately walking and crawling so I guess she's a little over 1 year old. The dad's a white guy and the mom's a filipina. Thirdy and I stayed while Chea had to go back and register for the events.

Yep. it's really a corner.
To the right is the game room.
Too bad I don't have anyone to play with.

There's a gym too!
I should get one of this so Thirdy can run in place all day long so we don't need to chase after him
Thirdy in the play house. There's a little girl to the right who was a little more than  just a year old that Thirdy tried to play with.

After almost an hour or so running after Thirdy and making sure he didn't get hurt (or hurt the other kid), the other family left and said their goodbyes to Thirdy, while we stayed a bit longer. Chea called a bit later and asked to meet us at the lobby so we can go to our room. Our belongings have already been moved there.

On our way back to our room
Our room for the next 24 hours
Thirdy checking out the view. There isn't much as it's just the enclosed area in the middle of the buildings.
Chea unpacking while Thirdy played around in the curtains
The cabinet with our stuff, and a flat iron and a safety box.

The bathroom sink
The toilet
The shower at the other side of the sink
Just the basics

When we got to our room, Chea had to leave because their activities were starting already. I decided to eat the Beef Tapa for lunch while Thirdy munched on his donuts.

Along the wall, past the cabinet is a bench, and a desk with the tv. This is a pretty small room.
Thirdy trying out the bed

Watching tv
A long chair (chaise lounge)
The room is pretty minimal, just with the bare necessities that you'd need. However, it's pretty sufficient, clean, and quite modern.

The desk. Don't mind me in the mirror. Lol.
Window view.

We spent the early part of the afternoon watching cable the entire time, while I dozed on and off a bit. Chea had to drop by later because her running shoes broke (they're really old) and had to change to a pair of slip ons.

2nd round at the playroom. This time, he had the place all to himself.

Around 3pm, Thirdy was still awake getting fidgety in the room, I asked him if he wanted to to the playroom again, to which he emphatically said yes. So we went out and headed over the playroom.

It was empty that time so we had the place all to ourselves. Thirdy proceeded to run around up until a little past 5pm. By that time, I got a call from Chea asking to meet us at the lobby as they were finished with their afternoon activities. We went back to our room where Chea rested for a bit until around 6pm when she had to attend their dinner activity. Again, Thirdy and I were left in our room.

A surprise arrived while we waited for Chea

It was around 9pm when Chea got back and we went out so Thirdy and I could have a proper dinner. There are a lot of restaurants at Tagaytay but I didn't want to wait long for a meal, so we ended up at an Ersao branch at the SM condominiums..

Chea ordering my food
Some decors. Place is very clean and homey

I ordered noodle soup and a lychee pandan drink. I shared the noodle soup with Thirdy since he wouldn't be able to finish an entire bowl on his own, and Chea was already full from their dinner.

I cant recommend Ersao noodles after this
Lychee pandan is kinda ok. I wont mind ordering one in the far future

The ramen is a bit disappointing. The noodles tasted odd and the soup as well. Looks like this will be my first and only time eating at Ersao.

After that, we went back to Taal Vista and headed to our room and called it a night.

On the way to breakfast

The next day, we woke up around 7am and proceeded to their main dining hall and proceeded to have breakfast.

Very festive decors
Thirdy eating champorado

The area is rather big. It probably couldn't fit all the guests all at the same time, but people came and went that no one had to wait for a table.

There were a lot of bread varieties

Some of the jams
Wasn't in the mood for bread today
Just taking pictures
And some more
A grill to toast your bread if you want it that way

Although there was a moderate amount of selections, nothing stood out. We were told that a breakfast buffet normally costs around 800 pesos, but going around and looking at the offering, wouldn't convince me to pay for one if it didn't come free with the overnight stay.

Cereal and milk
Dried fish, mixed vegetables, Penne and Rice. Didn't like the penne.

The bacon tray. There's the juice to the far left

The bacon to the right, and some guys preparing omelette. I asked for a sunny side up egg
French toast to the left and some eggs and ingredients for your omelette
The juice station. Loved the cucumber juice.
One of them had baked beans!
Waffle station. Never bothered with it though.
Fruit station

my haul: bacon, baked beans, french toast, and fritata 

I just kept on coming back for the bacons and the eggs. I did like the fritata and they offered something I haven't seen at other buffets before: baked beans! I also liked their cucumber juice. It had a subdued sweet flavor.

Thirdy holding a rambutan

After eating, we went back to our room so Thirdy could get into his swimming attire and hit the pool.

We called for a shuttle to drive us to the pool area which was at the other end of the hotel from where we are.

Heading for the pool
A quick shower before hitting the pool
Trying out the kiddie pool

There were already a few kids in the pool when we arrived so Thirdy was in a hurry to get started. He stayed mostly at the kiddie pool with Chea and the other kids.

There were a couple of boys around 8 or so who was teasing Thirdy with a float board and kept on egging Thirdy to chase them. They didn't play rough but I was so concerned that Thirdy would run after them whenever they went out of the pool, and he'd hit himself on the edge of the pool. After half an hour or so, I asked Chea to pull Thirdy closer to the area near me and stop playing with the bigger boys.

At around 10am, we went back to our place so we could take a bath and get ready to head out. After taking a bath, Chea was still preparing herself so I again brought Thirdy to the playroom for a few minutes of playtime. Later, Chea called us so we went back to our room and packed our things so we could go.

Third round at the playroom for Thirdy. More hotels should have one.

Discovery Country Suites
T'was raining and Thirdy was sleeping so we stayed in the car

After checking out, we dropped by Discovery Country Suites so Chea could do an ocular of the rooms. Thirdy was asleep in the car so I had to stay with him while Chea took a quick look around.

First time in Tagaytay Highlands. 
Checking with the information desk

We then headed to Tagaytay Highlands so Chea can do an ocular again. If you know an account manager, you could get to rent some of the houses and other rooms in Tagaytay Highlands now.

Waiting for the AE
Still waiting
Inside the van starting our ocular

First stop

We went to the Golf Club House and waited for the account executive. She arrived after a few minutes, and we then got into a van and we got a quick tour of the available places for rent.

Inside the function room

The rest of the function room

First was a function room that had a nice view and enough space for around 50 or so persons. You could have a small party here and even do videoke.

Thirdy looking out at the view from the function room
Heading out

The room was stuffy probably because it's been days since it's been opened up. Most of the place is made of wood. However, it didn't feel premium to me. It's a bit underwhelming actually. When we went out, a light rain had started, and it was very gloomy. The road even started to smoke which was actually the fog starting to roll by.

Along the way, we passed by a medium rise building by the slope of the road. It looks like a condominium/hotel. Unfortunately, we won't be dropping by it.

We also passed the aerial lifts which was unavailable due to the weather.

Stop over so we can get the keys
Main entrance

Sweet view from the drive way

We had to stop by another building with rooms that could be rented out but only to members I think so we couldn't take a quick look.

Next stop is a private house that's being rented out by the owners. The housing areas in Tagaytay Highlands and bunched together like small subdivisions within the sprawling estate. You really need a car to get around.

The other houses
The living area
Thirdy doing some writing
One of the bedrooms. Ouch. Green walls.
Main bathroom.

The house we visited was named Neuchatel. All the houses there had its own distinct name. The place is pretty big, still, again, a bit underwhelming. It looks too homey, or too lived in. The colors are also pretty drab. Maybe they should consider changing the wallpapers to give it a more cheery feeling. It probably looks better at night, with the fireplace all lit up

View of the neighborhood. It's a ghost town. Probably bustling during the summer

The sign
The building

Next stop was the Highlands Inn. It's one of the cheapest options aside from our last stop. However, it's a bit far from the main buildings in Tagaytay Highlands and there's nothing much to do at this part.
The lobby. There's a reception desk hidden at the right

What we saw was a two floor building that gave off a dormitory vibe, or maybe a place for transients. It kinda looks ok from the outside, and even at the lobby. However, my impressions started going downhill once we hit the corridors, as it looks like those creepy hallways even though it's just a gloomy afternoon. Once we got to the room, I was shocked. The room looked like a dump.

The room
Beds. They could have at least used better looking beddings and more comfortable looking pillows

The place is small and a bit cramped, and it looks like a room from a lowly resort. Ones you can get for around 800 pesos a night and with access to a public pool.

My impression of Tagaytay Highlands has always been a place of opulence and extravagance, where the rich play golf and have fancy parties during the hot summer months. So this was a bit of a surprise for me.

It makes me even think that these might be employee quarters or rooms rented out by the members for their helpers, which, come to think of it, might be the case.

The cabins

After that, we went to our final stop, The Cabins at Camp Highland. By the time we got out of the van, rain was heavy and we only had one umbrella. So only Chea, Thirdy and the Account Executive made the ocular.

It's raining hard

The good thing about the Cabins is that they have their own pool, so if you can swim in the Tagaytay weather, it's a better option than Highlands Inn.

View from the top of the country club

After that, we went to the Country Club and checked out the reception area at the top. The view is great, and the place is roomy
Outside the function room
The function room

Another shot of the grounds
Probably looks fabulous at night

It's a nice place to have a nice small though extravagant party as I don't think the place is big enough to handle the big parties the well-heeled are accustomed to.

After the ocular, Chea, Thirdy and I went back to our car and headed home to Q.C.

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