Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mercato at BGC

Jan 30, 2016. While staycationing (is that a word already?) at Seda Hotel BGC, Chea's family dropped by so we decided to go out for dinner.

We opted to try out Mercato BGC since it should have a lot of food options without breaking the piggy bank.

So we walked from Seda Hotel to Mercato, and it took us about half an hour (Chea, Third and I got lost along the way).

Just like the other variations since it's initial setup at Ortigas, it's an open air, tent setup. There are a lot of food vendors to choose from.

Street food on sticks!

I love cheesesteaks! I should have bought one to go.
More food on stick!

There's not much to say except most of them are relatively cheap (some rice meals start at around 100 pesos). While some of the fare are already cookes, there's are some that are cooked/grilled on the spot, especially some street food on sticks.

Mmm bagel at pretzels. With Meat!

Did i say cakes! already?

It's fairly packed with people walking in from all over BGC while others arrive by car. So at peak time of 7pm for dinner, expect that all the tables and chairs are occupied.

Boneless lechon!
Deep dish pizza. If I weren't so full, I'd try these out. Along with the Cheesesteak. And a burger. And a frankfurt.
omg. that beef is huge.

Anything with curry shouldn't be too far behind

While going around, aside from the sights, you will be bombarded with all sorts of food smells. I kept being pulled aside by some smells that were delicious and had me searching where they came from. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out where most of the smells came from.

Full meals at 125
What's this? I should try this out next time
If you're a vegan you'd probably hate this place. The smell of cooking meat is overwhelming!
Is pulled pork when you tie a pig between two trucks and you drive in opposite directions? Kidding
This is probably the stall with the longest line. Just look at the size of that pork chop and only for 100 pesos, with unlimited rice. Eat the pig or be the pig? Eat the pig!

And you will also be torn on which to eat, since there's a lot of varieties. Since I was full, I ended up buying chicken skin and crispy crablets, which unfortunately, weren't all crispy anymore.

I bought from these guys. Should've asked them to fry my order again.
Ooh nachos
There should always be at least one stand selling burgers
Yes! We have two!
This is a best seller. 35 pesos a cup. Wish the cup was larger though.
There's bottled juice too if a cup isn't fancy enough for you.

After eating, we walked the way back to Seda Hotel.

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