Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A friday morning spent with Dad (and a lunch at KKK)

Last October 4, 2013, I spent the morning with my dad.

The plan was to go to a Bayantel center and have our Bayantel telephone account transferred to my name. It had been under my dad's name ever since we first got it, but I had taken to paying for it from the day I had a DSL line added to the account.

But since my dad had spent a lot of his time in Samar since his retirement in 2000, there were instances that he wasn't around when I needed his authorization.

So we went there around 10am. I took a number at a Globe center as well as I wanted to follow up on a change of ownership for my number as well. I'm using a corporate account for the last few year and I wanted to change it to a personal account so I could avail of the new plans.

After I got the number, we went to Bayantel and requested for the changes. I also asked for an upgrade from my current 1,399 pesos, 1mbps plan to the 1,499 pesos, 3mbps plan. (So for an additional 100 pesos, I get thrice the speed).

The inquiries took us less than 15 minutes with Bayantel. Globe, on the other hand, took us more than an hour just to wait to get called. All i wanted was an inquiry regarding the changes. I was told that Globe Gateway (it's where I applied for the changes) was the only place I can get an update. So I should head over there.

During the wait, Dad's brother, Tito Boy, arrived and we had lunch together. My dad's taking some heart medications and he was told to lay off on the meat, so we opted for some seafood.

Since we were at SM Annex, I remember KKK as serving Filipino cuisine, so they most likely had seafood in their menu.

Let's fight for the right to good food!

I let my dad do the ordering, so he settled with grilled Tuna Belly. Most of the menu items are for sharing. I felt that it won't be enough for the three of us, so I ordered the ginataang pansit.

I ordered three plates of rice, and a bottomless pandan iced tea.

There were about 5 other tables with customers. It was a little past lunch at that time. Still, the food took about 15 minutes. But they had fried crackers to tide you over, so the wait wasn't too unbearable.

Always ask for refills!

The first to arrive was the grilled tuna belly along with the rice, so we started digging in.

My first impression was -- it looked burnt. My second impression was -- it tasted burnt.

It's rice. I have no complaints.

The tuna belly was a bit dry. And to be honest, a little too charred. It's what you'd probably get if you took a chunk of tuna out of the freezer, let it thaw and then put it on the grill until it burnt at places. I'm not sure if it was marinated, since I could not taste anything in it except for the tuna itself. It came with a soy sauce dip so at least we got a little bit of soy flavor in there.

The ginataan pansit canton came a couple of minutes after. I didn't give the 'ginataang' part of the name any thought when I ordered it. I though it was just some regular pansit, and I wanted to add variety to our single course meal. When I started eating it, that's when the name sunk in. The pansit was actually slathered with 'gata' (coconut milk) instead of your typical soy-based sauce.

Ladies and gents, we have a winner.

The taste surprised me, but it wasn't unpleasant. It was actually pretty good. I'm not high on coconut milk-based recipes, but this is something I think I would order again when given a chance. It's creamy, and a bit salty at the same time. It also had a lot of ingredients in there, with meat, prawns, and vegetables.

I washed down the food with the Pandan Iced Tea which was great. It wasn't bitter and it wasn't too sweet either. The pandan gave it a nice aftertaste.

You can barely make out the tea flavour which was great

My dad's been lessening his rice intakes, and Tito Boy wasn't that hungry either. So was I. We only managed to finish half of the tuna, half of the pansit, and there was still a plate of rice left. So we had it packed to go, and headed out.

Tito Boy went on his way while my dad and I looked for a screen protector and a case for his android tablet. We managed to buy a screen protector and had it installed, all for 250 pesos. We couldn't find a case for his 8" inch tablet.

I then headed off to work, while my dad went to the main building to waste the day away since there wasn't anything to do back at home.

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