Friday, October 18, 2013

Be Active! Be Fun!

Oct 6, 2013, Chea and I headed up to Antipolo to spend time with Thirdy. Chea wanted to pick him up, along with her dad, Papa Rico, and mom, Mama Tess.

On our way, we first dropped by my brother at the columbary. We then went to Antipolo. We had to look for a Shakey's restaurant first. My team had to report to work on a Sunday as we had deadlines coming up. So I wanted to treat them for lunch. Unfortunately, my day was packed so I couldn't drop by the office to bring them food.

New logo, same great taste

But you could actually order from any Shakey's branch, and pay for it there, and they'll deliver it for you anywhere there's a Shakey's nearby. I've done this a few years before, although I couldn't remember if it was Shakey's or PizzaHut. I was at Makati with my best bud, and had to have pizza delivered to Antipolo to Chea's family.

Using Foursquare and Google Maps, we found the closest Shakey's. I went in and asked if they could deliver to Ortigas Center. I think it was the first time that someone did this at their branch as they were mostly tentative on their answers and they had to clear a few things over the phone with someone. It took quite a bit (almost an hour) for everything to get cleared up, ordered, called, and paid for. I was there around 11:00 am, and my team got the orders around 12:30pm.

Since the order was taking too long, Chea went ahead and picked up Thirdy and her parents. By the time they got back, I was still waiting for a box of mojos. It was already near 1pm, so Chea asked that we just ate there.

We ordered a Manager's Choice (I think), Chicken N' Mojos party pack, Lasagna, and 3 plates of rice.

Haven't tasted these in years

Soup for my boy

Lasagna for the wifey

Thin crust is best crust. Can't think of anything snappy to say.
Comes with a pitcher of iced tea.

Thirdy's reaction to eating mojos

Everything's great as usual with food at Shakey's. Your only complaint would most likely be the price. All in all, I paid about 1,200 pesos for everything.

After that, we headed off to The Fort. Chea promised to take her parents around SM Aura, as they've never been there yet. Traffic's terrible as usual around the area.

There was a sale, but since most of the brands are of the expensive variety, most of the people were just window shopping. We did however hit a few of the children clothes shops, and ended up buying Thirdy a couple of button up shirts at Peppermint.

Thirdy looking at some clothes. Wait a minute....

Thirdy looking at more clothes. What the....

After an hour of looking around, we then headed off to Active Fun.

It was the only shot you can take without a person in the frame. The place gets real packed fast.

Active Fun is located near Bonifacio High Street. It's an indoor play ground with tubes and chutes and tunnels, and hanging bridges and trampolines and lots of plastic balls and what nots.

So it's a really great place for young active kids who likes to run around. Most of everything are padded so it's a nice playground for someone like Thirdy who's really hyper active and tends to bump into things, head first I might add.

There were a lot of kids and parents in the place despite it being a bit small. The playground is high enough to have enough spaces for a lot of kids along with an adult for the very young ones. The waiting area, unfortunately, won't be enough for two parents that come along, not to mention a bigger entourage. So Mama Tess and Papa Rico decided to head over to Market! Market! while I waited for Thirdy and Chea who were inside the playground.

Time flies when you're having fun, so before you know it, the 30 minute playtime was over. We weren't sure if Thirdy was going to enjoy the place, so we tried out the 30 minute pass. But when Thirdy came out of the play area along with Chea, he wanted to go back in. So it looks like we'll try the 1 hour plan next time.

Chea's parents were still at Market Market so went around a couple of shops nearby. We spent a lot of the time at MotherCare. While Chea looked around, I let Thirdy run around the place. After a few minutes I had to pick him up because I got tired chasing him around. After half an hour or so, we left the place empty handed and went towards High Street looking for a place to sit down.

We settled for Krispy Kreme and sat at the outside tables. While waiting for Chea's parents we ordered a box of Kruffins (Krispy Kreme's donut shaped muffins). We bought each variant that was available: Carot Pecan, Beef and Cheese, Bacon and Cheese Pull apart, Double Chocolate and Banana Wallnut. I forgot which one we doubled on since the box has 6 pieces.

The box

Honestly, I don't think I enjoyed any of them. Although I was a bit surprised with the Bacon and Cheese pull apart because I didn't know it actually had strips of bacon in the middle, although the rest of the bread was a bit dry. The Carot Pecan exactly tasted like a carrot cake/muffin. Same for the Banana walnut which tasted like banana bread. The Double Chocolate was moist in the inside but it's still a muffin more than cake. And the Beef and Cheese Pull apart had little beef in it. I'd prefer a Beef turnover really.

The contents

After finishing most of the muffins, we headed home to Antipolo and dropped off Thirdy, Mama Tess and Papa Rico and then went home to Q.C.

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